ARTERY project: our new technical videos are now available to watch
The ARTERY project is proud to share its new project videos with the community:
- Modeling, Path Planing and Control of steerable catheter for Structural Interventional Cardiology – Path planning, actuation and autonomous control of the MitraClip @POLIMI realised by Mattia Magro and Andrea Fortuna
- 3D phantom preparation @POLIMI realised by Xiu Zhang
- Hololens – Augmented reality, Final visualization realised by Domenico Riggio
- Hololens – Augmented reality, Electromagnetic sensor to Vessel Model calibration realised by Domenico Riggio
- AI #1 module by Riccardo Munafò
Have a look at the News and Gallery section to watch all videos and stay tuned, others will come soon!